15 January 2014

Parenting tips to care a newborn baby...

 Parenting tips to care a Newborn 
at home during the first 28 days 

Congratulations to give birth to a child…!

A new born baby, no doubt, brings a lot of happiness with a variation of demands in your life. But at the same time, with a great celebration, it brings a great challenge for mother as well as family members too, to handle and care it properly and effectively. This review has been evaluated considering the same to improve your own skills as a parent to care a ‘New born to a Baby-aged (up to one year) child at home. I hope, you will apply your best sense and refined knowledge doing so.

  • A newborn baby always be cleaned with a soft moist cloth and then the body and head wiped dry with a soft dry cloth but the soft white substance with which the newborn is covered is actually protective and should not be rubbed off.
  • After the birth the newborn should be immediately be wiped, dried and wrapped.
  • The baby should be wrapped in several layers of clothing or woolen clothing depending upon the season.
  • The baby care-room should be worm enough as on adult to feel uncomfortable. The room should be free from direct wind crossing.
  • A newborn baby should be kept away from the people who are sick by infected diseases like –cough and cold, fever, skin infection, diarrhoea etc. These people should not hold or come in close contact with the newborn.
  • A newborn baby should be kept away even from the other sick children, too.
  • No one should touch a newborn (including mother when she comes back after doing something else ) without Hygienic Hand-wash. Everyone should ensure a hygienic hand-wash with soap before touching the baby.
  • A newborn never be laid down on naked floor. It may cause downing the body temperature of the baby.
  • Medical science recommends that a newborn should not be bathed until the first seven days from the date of delivery because bathing a newborn and leaving it wet or exposed may caused it to get fall sick. Thus, it is better to wipe the baby with a warm wet clean cotton cloth and dry the baby, immediately. This cleaning -process can be continued for more than the first seven days considering the season or in case of Pre-term Birth or Low Birth Weight (LBW). Chances of the baby’s death and getting sick are higher among the babies who have born before time (pre-term) or who are in LWP category.
  • A newborn never be left alone at any place or in the room. In case if mother has gone somewhere else, someone should be present near the newborn. In absence of any person a crow, cat or even a mouse can hurt the baby, seriously.
  •  Keep a newborn loosely clothed and wrapped.
  • If it is very warm outside, make sure the baby is not too heavily clothed and wrapped ; the baby can also get too hot.

1 comment:

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