19 January 2014

Managing common breastfeeding problems

Managing Common

As a mother, you can remove some common breastfeeding-problems at the initial level.Tow of the most common problems with proper solutions are given here.

Problem 1: Sore Nipples
Causes: Poor latch-on or positioning at breast.

  • Improve attachment and /or position.
  • Continue breastfeeding (reduce engorgement if present)
  • Wash your breast once a day but not with soap.
  • Put a little breast milk on nipples after feeding is finished and air-dry.
  • Wear loose clothing.
  • If nipples are very red, shiny, flaky, itchy and their condition does not get better with above treatment and continues for more than 5 days, contact to the doctor.
Problem. 2: Not enough milk
Cause: Delayed initiation of breastfeeding, infrequent feeding, giving fluids other than breast milk, mother’s anxiety, exhaustion, insecurity or inadequate support.

1.Decide whether there is enough milk or not.
  • Does the baby pass urine six times or more, each day?
  • Has the baby gaining sufficient weight or looking weak?
  • Is the baby satisfied after feeds?

2. If you feel not enough milk; have the baby feed more often.

3. Improve your position and attachment.

4. Take healthy food and drinks.

5. Ignore more spicy and junk.

If the condition does not get better with above treatment within 7 days, contact to the doctor.

 Note:  Sometimes, some mothers face the problems of Engorged and painful breast (very full breast).You should not neglect this condition. This condition takes place mostly due to delayed initiation of breastfeeding, incomplete emptying of breast or restricting the length of the feeds.
            To remove this condition, you should feed your baby more frequently. If the baby is not being able to suckle, apply warm compress to breast and gently massage from outside toward the nipple and express some milk until the areola is soft, then put baby to the breast, making sure that the attachment is correct.

            In this condition, you should measure your temperature and if you are in fever, you should take proper treatment, urgently. You must take proper treatment to remove this problem as soon as possible.
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